is an internet database of county government offices in the United States. Use our site to locate your county assessor, board of elections, chamber of commerce, child support offices, colleges, coroner, courts, clerk, district attorney, DMVs, fire departments, hospitals, IRS office, jails, libraries, medical examiner, parks department, post offices, police departments, prisons, private schools, probation departments, public schools, recorder of deeds, social security offices, sheriff, tax collector, treasurer, and unemployment offices. Our database includes names, addresses, phone numbers, and fax numbers.
New Medicare options
Airline employees & spouses looking for Medicare Supplement plans, Veba was setup for all airline employees call for more information.
Cathy Cone
Cone Retiree Healthcare Group, LLC
New TWA Yearbook with Pictures
Affordable Healthcare
Open enrollment in the New Health Exchanges started Oct 1, 2013
While many have seen many problems accessing the website we are hoping it will get better in the near future.
I am now certified & License in MO as navigator for new Healthcare exchange.
Medicare reimbursement
Medicare reimbursement forms are available on forms page, remember the company has one year look back. So it is important you have sent in January EOB before January 31,. Anyone needing assistance please call.
Retired 65 or older Medical Benefit
- ATTENTION: We have been seeing many of our retirees spouses dropped from there medical benefits recently.
- Please call UHC to check that your medical benefits are in effect, American has a clinch in their system which does not reload your medical benefit to $50,000. Please call employee services at 1-800-447-2000 option 1, then option 4 - Please let me know what was stated so I can follow up this for you.
American Airlines Letters
You may have also received a Letter Of Credibility which states if you are Medicare eligible you must have Medicare Part D plan. This is something that American must send each year to ensure retirees are informed of the rights.
Pass word required - Please check your E-mails for password
Dental & Vision Plan NEW!!!!! 
Just be informed anyone who transfers from a existing Dental or Vision plan will not have any pre-existing condition clause, National Reserve has chosen to waive this clause for all RBAssociation members!!!!!!!!!!!
We are excited to announce we have learned of a new dental and vision plan available for all members, this is a insurance plan not discount plan. There will be a one time $50 fee and a $100 deductible met from either dental or vision, with $1,500 yearly benefit. The dental will cover 80% of all minor and 60% of major dental work. There is no network so you can use any dentist and have coverage any where in USA or outside the country. The vision plan will cover $100 per eye for examinations and $300 for lenses & frames; also no network. Their are certain pre-existing conditions which will not be covered, so read all coverage rules before making a decision. Please feel free to come in and get paperwork and/or see the site & link page for contact details. I do want to point out to please carefully look at your needs before choosing a plan.
Reserve National - Contacts Jerry Daniel 816-351-0066 & Larry Gardner 816-383-0267- Don't forget to tell them RBAssociation
State Street Bank
Anyone wanting to change tax deductions or direct deposit information can make these changes on
Jetnet/My Pension now or call State Street Bank - 888-548-4455
TWA Retirees Beneficiary - before American take over
Met-Life beneficiary form group # 29924 - now on Form page
Tax Changes 2011
The 2011 federal tax tables were installed and are effective January 31, 2011 per the IRS guidelines. Plan participants were notified of the tax table updates and potential impact to their withholding through an insert with their December 31, 2010, January 1, 2011 or January 15, 2011 benefit payment.
To highlight the difference in thresholds you will notice that for a “single, no exemptions” election (row 4), withholding does not start until the income is $750 in the 2010 tax tables. However in the 2011 tax tables, the withholding starts at the $250 income level. Therefore anyone with a “single, no exemptions” election who earn between $250 and $749 did not have any federal tax withheld in 2010 but will have tax withheld in 2011.
Tax Statements
- W-2's are available on E-Pays, you may have to re-sign up. Take sometime and view at
- E-Pays will now be available 24 to 36 months